Insert your mobile phone or email, Then select user
Insert your mobile phone or email, Then select user
Inter verification code and sign in
Fill the form and put your avatar
Do you want to have schedule for meals? In the dairy, add breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks then you can see list of foods to select by your interest then save it! Also you can see your today and past days’ meals program
In the reports, see daily reports of calories, nutrition you gained, report of exercise time.
Do you want to know how much you are fit? In the weight page, you can see report of weight changes, add photos before and after diet, add your weight. Also you can give permission to share your own before and after pictures for list in trainer’s catalogues.
click on trainer button to search and see the list of trainers and select them to see their profiles.
Click on catalogue button in trainer’s profile to see him/her catalogue page
In the social button. You can see others users posts and view their progress by progress bar. Also see put comments and read them, like and share them or even see list of users who likes posts
Sweep left to see menu, you can have access to other part of application
Click your profile on menu to see your own page, add and see posts by categories such as videos, pictures, direct to ask question from your trainer and all mode. also see your follows, trainers, requests
In addition, track your progress bar to figure out how much you are close to own goal!
button in menu to search trainer’s catalogues and select them
Sweep right in your wallet Buy fitcion package, charge your account, take reports of fitcoin transactions
Do you want to chat with other users and trainers? You can Find or make rooms by genders and join them!
If you want to train use the fitcoin
Insert your mobile phone or email
Select trainer then sign in